I Love Stupid: the only sarcastic humor comic ever

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Enjoying the long holiday weekend

microwave: beep beep beep
Rob: Ah. Lunch. The long-awaited.
Lyn: Rob! It's Thanksgiving weekend and you're eating a frozen dinner?
notes: frozen ENTREE, a fine choice for any meal
Rob: Yeah I have crazy work deadlines, so I can't afford to drive to my parents' for the real deal leftovers.

Lyn: "Golden Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy and Traditional Dressing"...?
Rob: Pretty close, right?  And look, it comes with a cherry dessert too.
notes: JEALOUS?

Lyn: ... Your life makes me sad.
notes: no way, me too

Sometimes you don't have to write jokes, because you live them.

The turkey meals actually are pretty good though, and the dessert is delish with a capital "ish". In real life it looks better than my cartoon version... if only ever so slightly.

One year ago

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The first dreamer

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